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Become a Partner with TheGoodNewsWorld

By becoming a Good News World Partner, you are partnering DIRECTLY with our Man of God,
the Highly Esteemed Prophet Uebert Angel. Your Partnership goes where the need is greatest at any given time in accordance with what God is doing in any given season. Remember, as you Partner you become a partaker of the grace upon those doing the work of the ministry. “…For as is the share of him who goes down into the battle, so shall his share be who stays by the provisions and supplies; they shall share alike.” 1 Samuel 30:24 (AMP)

Exercise the full measure of your faith and Partner Now.


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Dear Partner,

We would like to extend a BIG thank you from the bottom of our hearts for joining with us as partners in this work that God has laid before us. We are honoured to call you our partner and rest assured we are praying for you fervently! We do our part, God does His part, and you are doing your part. Together, we are seeing the GoodNews spread to the ends of the world with miracles following. 


Everything we are doing in the ministry is made possible because you chose to be a consistent partner. Together with the Lord’s favour, your generosity allows the The GoodNews mandate to reach millions of people around the world.


The GoodNews of Jesus Christ brings life, hope, joy and peace wherever it is heard. And each day, testimonies from individuals around the world pour in to share how their lives, families and careers have been tremendously blessed and radically transformed as they hear more of our timely messages, prophecies and testimonies. You are the one that ensures we keep doing this through your commitment to this cause. 


Partners, with all the wonderful results and expansion we’ve experienced so far, there are still so many out there who need to hear this truth in their lives. Prayerfully consider doing even more.  Let’s fulfil God’s desire for everyone to hear and know the truth of God’s word. We are in perilous times, and these times require us to buckle down and run with the GoodNews of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ like never before! 


We cannot carry out this global vision alone, but with your hand in ours, we can definitely do it. How about we show the whole world that the cross really did make a difference?


We love you dearly,

Prophets Uebert & BeBe Angel


Partnership with the GoodNews World is about being part of something BIGGER than yourself and reach far beyond your personal sphere of influence, so that you are impacting people all over the world.




+263 783 261 672

+263 773 195 955

2024 - The GoodNewsWorld

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