Prophet Uebert Angel

Prophet Uebert Angel, the President and Commander-In-Chief of the GoodNewsWorld - which currently has over 2.8 million registered citizens across the globe - is also Zimbabwe’s Presidential Envoy and Ambassador Plenipotentiary to Europe and the Americas who has close relationships with many heads of state and world leaders.
He is the author of best-selling books such as Prayer Banks, Supernatural Power Of The Believer, The Money Is Coming, Praying For The Impossible, How To Hear The Voice Of God, Spiritual Warfare, The Greatest Secret God Told Me About Money, How To Defeat The Demon Of Poverty, The Effective Soul Winner, God’s Medicine - to name a few.
"I never called you to preach the works; rather, I called you to preach what I used to preach during my ministry on earth, which is the gospel (Euagellion), news that is almost too good to be true." This is only one of the revelations that God had for Uebert Angel that brought about a radical shift in the way that he and his wife, BeBe, communicated the good news of God's grace to other people. After then, efforts to disseminate the gospel were underway. The Good News of the Grace of God is the source of the supernatural power that empowers every believer to live a victorious life.